Online Security In terms of how safe I am online, I would love to assume that I am doing everything in my power to keep hackers out. Frankly, this is not the case. I do not use any anti viral software on my computer nor have I looked into purchasing any. Luckily, I have never […]


April 22, 2014 | Leave a Comment

ICharts: Neither a success or a failure. So basically, since I am not dealing with figures for my research, a chart would be considered relatively useless. I have tried IChart numerous times and I still have to to figure out how it works. I can load the data but creating the actual chart is a […]

Exhibit Plan

April 14, 2014 | 2 Comments

Omeka For my online Omeka exhibit, I intend to organize my items into an exhibit showing D.C roads in general terms. For this exhibit, I would like to include a variety of materials such as maps, and websites. Eventually I would like to add a few books into my exhibit, but have yet to go […]

During this week, I have been able to add up to six items onto Omeka as well as organize them into two different categories. I plan to make a trip to Fenwick library later this week to investigate some books for the context of my project. I have been very successful with Omeka, it has […]

Roads and Structure

February 26, 2014 | Leave a Comment

Final Project Proposal For my final project I would like to explore the history behind the set up of D.C. The unique non grid like pattern of roads using the diagonals is interesting and I would like to learn more about the architects who drew up the design, the modifications, and execution of the idea. […]