Archive forApril, 2014

Online Security In terms of how safe I am online, I would love to assume that I am doing everything in my power to keep hackers out. Frankly, this is not the case. I do not use any anti viral software on my computer nor have I looked into purchasing any. Luckily, I have never […]


April 22, 2014 | Leave a Comment

ICharts: Neither a success or a failure. So basically, since I am not dealing with figures for my research, a chart would be considered relatively useless. I have tried IChart numerous times and I still have to to figure out how it works. I can load the data but creating the actual chart is a […]

Exhibit Plan

April 14, 2014 | 2 Comments

Omeka For my online Omeka exhibit, I intend to organize my items into an exhibit showing D.C roads in general terms. For this exhibit, I would like to include a variety of materials such as maps, and websites. Eventually I would like to add a few books into my exhibit, but have yet to go […]

During this week, I have been able to add up to six items onto Omeka as well as organize them into two different categories. I plan to make a trip to Fenwick library later this week to investigate some books for the context of my project. I have been very successful with Omeka, it has […]

Text Mining Text mining is the delivering of high quality information through the use of data, in this particular case the data would be text. We explored how to use various text mining resources such as Wordle and Google Ngram. Although these show interesting relationships between text and word choice, for my particular project text […]

  Data MapĀ  In the creation of my Google data map, I not only encountered problems, but came to the realization that perhaps a map would not be useful in conveying information for my project. My research has gone mainly into the layout and design of D.C, pertaining in specifics to the roads. Since roads […]